Research reports

Our research is the foundation of ACSI’s work. We produce high-quality, evidence-based research on material ESG issues important to long-term investors.

Defocused office reception area and conference room background.

Modern Slavery Reporting – Guide for Investors

This guide has been prepared by ACSI and RIAA to provde a framework for investor reporting. It provides broad context on matters investors may with to consider in preparing their modern slavery statements and should be used in conjunction with the guidance provided by the Australian Border Force (Government Guidance)

CEO Pay in ASX200 Companies: 2018

This report is ACSI’s 18th annual survey of CEO pay in Australia’s largest listed companies and highlights that it is very rare for ASX100 CEOs to miss out on annual bonuses (or short-term incentives) with over half of ASX100 CEOs receiving at least 70 per cent of their maximum entitlement.
Blurred and darkened image of three office workers viewed through glass

ESG Reporting by the ASX200

This report assesses the standard of ESG reporting by ASX200 companies for the 2018 reporting period. It is the 12th annual review of ESG reporting by ACSI.
Businessman looking out conference room window

Modern Slavery Risks, Rights and Responsibilities

This report aims to increase the Australian business community’s understanding of modern slavery risks in their operations and supply chains, and to help prepare businesses to meet new regulatory requirements for transparent public disclosure.
Businessman and money tree

CEO Pay in ASX200 Companies: 2017

This report aims to increase the Australian business community’s understanding of modern slavery risks in their operations and supply chains, and to help prepare businesses to meet new regulatory requirements for transparent public disclosure.
Business development - Closeup of hands holding seedling in a group

Corporate Sustainability Reporting in Australia: 2018

This report assesses the level of sustainability disclosure by ASX200 companies for the 2017 reporting period. It is the 11th annual sustainability disclosure review ACSI has undertaken.
[["Accountability"],["Advocacy"],["AISC"],["Board"],["CEO pay"],["Climate change"],["Code of conduct"],["Culture"],["Directors"],["Diversity"],["Engagement"],["Environment"],["ESG"],["First Nations"],["Framework"],["Governance"],["Hermes"],["Investment"],["Investors"],["Legal"],["Modern slavery"],["Opinion"],["Policy"],["PRI"],["Remuneration"],["Reporting"],["Safety"],["Shareholder"],["Social"],["Stewardship"],["Submission"],["Sustainability"],["Transparency"],["Whistleblowing"],["Workforce"]][["accountability"],["advocacy"],["aisc"],["board"],["ceo-pay"],["climate-change"],["code-of-conduct"],["culture"],["directors"],["diversity"],["engagement"],["environment"],["esg"],["first-nations"],["framework"],["governance"],["hermes"],["investment"],["investors"],["legal"],["modern-slavery"],["opinion"],["policy"],["pri"],["remuneration"],["reporting"],["safety"],["shareholder"],["social"],["stewardship"],["submission"],["sustainability"],["transparency"],["whistleblowing"],["workforce"]]