ACSI’s research is the foundation of our work. We produce high-quality, evidence-based research on material ESG issues, providing our members with detailed insights into investment issues, market practices and ASX300 companies.
Our research informs our company engagement, supports our advocacy work and underpins voting advice to members.
Our research
ACSI’s research includes longitudinal projects and analysis of individual issues.
Our CEO Pay in ASX200 Companies report has tracked CEO remuneration for 22 years, and is unique for calculating and investigating not just reported pay, but realised pay, including cash and the value of equity vested during the year.
2022’s ESG reporting trends in the ASX200 is an evolution of ACSI’s sustainability reporting research, which began 15 years ago. Back then, few listed companies provided information about ESG practice and performance, but over time, the quality and detail of reporting on material ESG issues have progressively risen. Now, providing investors with ESG disclosures is the norm rather than the exception in the ASX200, but gaps remain.
For the past four years, ACSI has looked specifically at climate change disclosures in Promises, pathways & performance: climate change disclosure in the ASX200. The most recent edition reveals that while many ASX200 companies have significantly increased their plans to manage climate risk and transition towards net zero, investors need more detail to be confident in their long-term planning.
We also conduct research into ESG issues significant to long-term investors, including: Company engagement with First Nations people (2021) Biodiversity: unlocking natural capital value for investors (2021), Moving from paper to practice: ASX200 reporting under Australia’s Modern Slavery Act (2021).